This is what the Collect App looks like. I take at least 1 picture every day.

I write the summary of what we did that day, anything from the ordinary to the exciting. Not everyday is eventful! Sometimes I have to come up with something to take a picture of that day. But, it's real life and it's a memory from each day of what our life looks like. You can print these out on cards the size of the small Project Life journal cards and just slide them in the small page pockets. Sometimes I put one here or there in my scrapbooks, or use them on Vacations to record the details with the picture then print out. But, this year I'm taking 1 picture per day to print out and make into my 2016 scrapbook using just these photo cards, 1 per day. It's easy and fun to stay caught up. Then I just print at the end of each month and slide them in the pocket pages!